Monday, September 30, 2019

Ophelia Character Sketch

Hamlet is a very complex play based upon the relationships within the walls of Listener Castle in Denmark. Hamlet is the main character and the focus point in all the emotions and feelings in the play. Gertrude (Hamlet's mother), and Claudia (Hamlet's uncle and his mother's new husband and the new king of Denmark) all of these characters play major roles in the play.Aphelia is outside the family connections of these three characters but she still impacts the play with her bubble personality that she is force to do by her father and the manipulations and mistreatment of others. Hamlet has the first reason to be hurt by Aphelia because she follows her father's orders regarding Hamlet and his true intentions for their love. Polonium tells Aphelia that Hamlet will not do anything but be pimp with the girls since he is supposed to have an arranged marriage. After telling Aphelia this, Polonium and Claudia try to have Aphelia become bait to find out why Hamlet us acting crazy.Hamlet begin s with his overwhelming sarcasm toward Aphelia, â€Å"l humbly thank you, well, well, well,† he says to her regarding her initial pleasantries (3. 1. 91). Before this scene, he has heard the King and Polonium establishing a plan to deduce his unusual and grief-stricken behavior. Hamlet is well aware that this plan merely uses Aphelia as a tool, and as such, she does / piton 2 not have much option of refusing without angering not only her father but the conniving King Claudia as well.Hamlet constantly refuses that he cared for her. He tells her and all of his uninvited listeners, â€Å"No, not l, I never gave you aught† (Ham. 1. 94-95). Hamlet has a right to direct his anger to Aphelia because it was her that repelled against him. Her father forced her, and if she did try to disobey her father she could be disowned. Furthermore, Aphelia cannot know that Hamlet's attitude toward her reflects his disillusionment in his mother. Hamlet's inconstancy can only mean deceitfuln ess or madness.Hamlet puts Aphelia in a trap that has been laid by him in order for his revenge to continue, in part Aphelia love and idealize her lover, and her shock is genuine when Hamlet demands â€Å"get thee to a nunnery† (linemen). Hamlet says this to show that Aphelia can be easily controlled by others and not only throwing herself at Hamlet but also letting her father control Aphelia. Hamlet calls her a prostitute that can be easily be misled away by other's intentions.The melancholy, grief, and madness that Hamlet suffers from may well eve been the propelling force for all of his unfortunate action towards Aphelia in Shakespearean play. It is worth allowing that the first of the two are real; his melancholy and grief are not the same as Aphelion's. Aphelia is the more tragic of the two because her madness is not feigned. Furthermore, it is caused by the very love of her life is even more disastrous for her poor young life and possibly pregnancy. They are each malcon tents with no real happiness made available to them given their unfortunate circumstances.

Drug Related Problems

Drug related problem Drug related problems (DRPs) are prevalent and causing considerable patient morbidity and mortality. Many of these DRPs are preventable through following the guidelines and rational drug used. There are many factors controlling the DRP occurrence such as patient age, disease status, drug characteristics, etc. High risk factors 1. Elderly (> 65 years); due to age related changes in pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetics 2. Acute diseases such as acute renal failure, sepsis, etc†¦ 3.Patients with many chronic diseases; diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, liver problem, AIDS, etc†¦ 4. Patients with renal impairment or haemodialysis 5. Patients in special situations; pregnancy, lactation, 6. Certain diseases and their medications: cancer, diabetes, heart failure. 7. Polypharmacy (taken many drugs > 5 drugs) 8. Drug; certain drug classes are commonly involved e. g. Warfarin, insulin, digoxin, TCAs, etc†¦ Classification of drug-related problems 1. Inappropriate drug choice: Unjustified deviation from management guidelines consensus therapeutic can worsen the condition.Deviations that are based on the patient’s individual treatment goal and risk factors are not considered to be DRPs (e. g. Antibiotic used for viral infection. Furosemide prescribed for patient with hypokalemia). 2. Lack of necessary drug: Either one or more drugs are missing according to established guidelines or a medical problem is being treated with too little of the appropriate drug (under-prescribed) or appropriate drugs may be not used for maximum effectiveness. Moreover, duration of treatment may be too short which can lead to incomplete treatment.Deviations from guidelines that are based on the patient’s individual treatment goals and risk factors are not considered to be DRPs (e. g. B-blockers in heart failure or post-MI, stop diuretic before edema treated or loop diuretic used only for resistant edema). 3. Unnecessary drug and Duplicati on: A drug is unnecessary if the indication is no longer present, with continuation/prolonged use or double prescription of two or more drugs from the same therapeutic group or gives the same result. This intensifies their therapeutic effect and side effects.Duplication also can occur when more than one physician prescribes medications to a single patient or when a patient takes over-the-counter drugs with the same active ingredient (e. g. Long-term antibiotic prescribed for simple infection. Used of Ibuprofen and diclofenac concomitantly. 4. Incomplete medication history taking: Inappropriate integration of patient’s medical history can lead to many interactions due to lack of patient’s information such as hypersensitivity â€Å"medication allergy†, other diseases, OTC or herbal and medication used (e. g.Patient has allergy to penicillin). 5. Inappropriate dose or regimen: Dosing too high (overdose) or too low dose. Suboptimal dosing (including dosing time and formulation) according to established national/international guidelines, including frequency of dosing or duration of therapy. Deviations that are based on the patient’s individual treatment goal and risk factors are not considered to be DRPs (e. g. too high ACE inhibitor dose prescribed in relation to kidney function. Too low paracetamol dose use in relation to symptom-giving arthritis). . Adverse drug reaction (ADR): Any noxious, unintended, and undesired effect of a drug, which occurs at doses in humans for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy (e. g. orthostatic hypotension happens with blood pressure lowering drug or intolerance dry cough due to ACE inhibitor). 7. Interaction: Drug–drug interaction, drug-food interaction, drug-disease interaction, drug-herbal, etc†¦ An interaction is occurring when the effect of a drug is changed by the presence of another drug, food, drink, herbal or some environmental chemical agent.Drug combinations with intended overall effe ct are not considered to be DRP (e. g. Drug–drug interaction; Furosemide and digitalis (increased effect/toxicity of digitalis with hypokalemia). Drug-food interaction; Amiodarone and Grapefruit, Grapefruit and Simvastatin (increase drug serum concentrations), or Tetracycline and calcium. Drug-disease interaction; used NSAIDs in chronic renal impairment). 8. Discontinuation of needed medication: Some times discontinuation of medication without reasonable medical indication can lead to therapeutic failure or a problem in treatment plan.In addition, stop some medications before controlling the disease or have good monitoring method can lead to failure in treatment plan (e. g. discontinue antibiotic before finishing its therapeutic course or stop Heparin injection before or just on start of Warfarin). 9. Contraindication: the used of some drugs are prohibited for some patients because to harmful risks of using these drugs are exceeding the benefits of their effect (e. g. ACE inh ibitor uses in treating high blood pressure in a pregnant lady or using sulfa-drug in G6PD deficiency patients). 10.Abrupt stoppage medication: for certain medications, abrupt stopping can exacerbate the problem or lead to complications related to drug. The stopping process should be gradually (e. g. abruptly stopping B-blocker in MI patients or stopping Corticosteroid suddenly). 11. Untreated medical conditions: can lead to worsening of the disease or may lead to more serious problems (e. g. untreated dyslipidemia in patients with other risk factors). 12. Lack of necessary monitoring: Monitoring with respect to effects and toxicity of drugs is not done or does not adhere to guidelines (e. . INR for Warfarin. Thyroid function tests in patients taking levothyroxine 13. Others: In general, DRPs that do not belong to aforementioned categories. References 1. Bemt P and Egberts A (2007) Drug-related problems: definitions and classification. Journal of European Association of hospital Pha rmacists (EAHP), 13, pp 62-64. 1. Lee S, Schwemm A, Reist J, Cantrell M, Andreski M, Doucette W, Chrischilles E and Farris K (2009) Pharmacists’ and pharmacy students’ ability to identify drug-related problems using TIMER (tool to improve medications in the elderly via review).American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 73, 3, pp 52-62 2. PCNE Classification for drug related problems (2006) Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe Foundation. Available from World Wide Web: http://www. pcne. org/dokumenter/DRP/PCNE %20classification%20V5. 01. pdf 2. Ruscin M (2009) Drug-Related Problems in the Elderly. Merck, Available from World Wide Web: http://www. merck. com/mmpe/sec23/ch341/ch341e. html 3. Ruths S, Viktil KK, Blix HS. Classification of drug-related problems. Tidsskr Nor Leageforen 2007; 127: 3073–6 Prescription Auditing SheetPatients Name Age: years Drug related problem: |Inappropriate drug choice |Lack of necessary drug | |Unnecessary drug and Duplication |Inco mplete medication history taking | |5. Inappropriate dose or regimen |6. Adverse drug reaction | |7. Interaction |8.Discontinuation of needed medication | |9. Contraindication |10. Abrupt stoppage medication | |11. Untreated medical condition |12. Lack of necessary monitoring | |13. Others | | Specification of the problem (and intervention if any): )†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 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Patient Resume Age: Sex: Drug Allergies: Medical History – – – – – – – Medication History – – – – – Laboratory Data base

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder Essay

Absence makes the heart grow fonder or so they say. Can a relationship end because of distance? I think it not depends on the distance itself but on the persons and their feelings. In the short story â€Å"A Glowing future† by Ruth Rendell we see the three year relationship of Maurice and Betsy finished after Maurice spent a whole year in Australia. There are many reasons why long distance relationship don ´t work but the ones that affected Betsy and Maurice were: Communication Breakdown: Couples in long-distance relationships have to make up for a serious lack of face time. It requires real effort to keep in touch and feel connected. it might become increasingly disheartening to communicate in less personal ways as time goes on. In the whole year they were apart, Maurice only phoned Betsy twice. Infidelity: â€Å"What they don’t know won’t hurt them.† Monogamy can be a challenge over time even under direct supervision. Loneliness creeps in, new and interesting people appear when you least expect it. We get to know that during his time in Australia, Maurice started another relationship there, with Patricia. Lack of Trust: Plenty of relationships end because of trust issues, and long-distance relationships are a minefield of them. There’s really no way of knowing whether or not an S.O. on the other side of the country is cheating on you. But remember that close proximity offers no guarantees, either. This is not the case of Betsy at least, she was waiting patiently for Maurice, until he would come back and marry her. The Cost of Keeping in Touch: Add to that long-distance phone bills, the shipping costs for care packages, and going all-out when you do get to spend time together, and you may be looking at a pretty pricy love connection. Airline tickets and hotel reservations Different Expectations: a couple should share more or less the same future plan. Maurice seemed to have commitment issues, he had planned to tour around Europe for three months as a free man free for the sights and the fun and the girls, however Betsy was making wedding plans before he came back. Not all the relationships are equal, and the way a long distance affect them will vary, but in the case of Maurice and Betsy it was decisive, and his infidelity unbearable. In this case absence did not make their love grew but die.

Summary of the Case on Uganda

Summary of the case The Charles Martin in Uganda story shows how companies can often be at adds with a manager who is managing operations in a distant land. The values and normal tendencies of a company can sometimes be interpreted much differently by the manager on the ground. In this example, we will look at how Charles Martin dealt with cultural differences of Uganda and the U. S. -based Hydro Generation (HG) Company. On the surface, the diverse culture could be seen as a turn off to foreign companies, but HG, with the help of Charles Martin’s life experiences and scholastic knowledge of the region saw an opportunity to grow in Uganda.But at first glance this may prove to be difficult for HG. This was HG’s first pursuit of business in Africa ,so growing pains were almost certainly be felt. Like many African countries, Uganda has a tumultuous history. With the dictatorship of Idi Amin ruling with an iron fist, life in Uganda was difficult (Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sulliv an, 2011). A diverse country in terms of religious sects, Christianity is the majority, though there is a large number of Muslims among many other religions (Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2011).In terms of language spoken, English is the official language, however many speak only an indigenous language such as Bantu or Nilotic (Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2011). In addition the history, language, and religion, HG Company had to also take into consideration the tribal normalcy’s as well as business normalcies in Uganda . With the pending displacement of 700 villagers (Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2011), HG was now faced with its first major hurdle that most companies will face when expanding globally.This hurdle is best described in how to best coexist with the cultural norms of a country. Instead of trying to simply impose the will of HG Company, they assembled a package that they felt would best benefit those being displaced. HG (hydro generation) is U. S based comp any. Specialist in power plants (dams). It values strongly built in the Christian culture. It has built plants 16 countries maintained an ownership an about half of them. The Uganda is its first anywhere in Africa. Because their construction involves huge amount of capitalUganda: Uganada officially the Republic of Uganda, is a landlocked country in East Africa. Uganda is bordered on the east by Kenya, on the north by South Sudan, on the west by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on the southwest by Rwanda, and on the south by Tanzania. The southern part of the country includes a substantial portion of Lake Victoria, which is also shared by Kenya and Tanzania. Uganda takes its name from the Buganda kingdom, which encompasses a large portion of the south of the country including the capital Kampala.The people of Uganda were hunter-gatherers until 1,700 to 2,300 years ago, when Bantu-speaking populations migrated to the southern parts of the country. Uganda gained independence from Britain on 9 October 1962. Language Uganda is a multilingual country. Forty of its living indigenous languages. Fall into three main families – Bantu, Nilotic, and Central Sudanic – with another 2 languages in the Kuliak family. English, inherited from the colonial period, and Swahili, which is regionally important, are official languages. There is also a Ugandan Sign Language. all of the Bantu speaking areas of Uganda, dialect continua are very common. For example, people around Mbarara in Ankole District speak Nkole and people from Fort Portal in Toro District speak Tooro, but in the area between those towns one will find villages where most of the people speak a dialect which is best characterized as intermediate between Nkole and Tooro. In recognition of the closeness of four of these languages (Nkole, Tooro, Kiga, and Nyoro), and in order to facilitate work in them such as teaching, a standardized version called â€Å"Runyakitara† was developed around 1990. In south central Uganda, the Bantu languages of Luganda and Soga are largely interintelligible. Religion: Uganda is a predominantly Christian country with a significant (about 12%) Muslim minority. The Northern and West Nile regions are dominated by Roman Catholics and Iganga District in the east of the country has the highest percentage of Muslims. Freedom of religion is guaranteed by the Uganda Constitution but religions are expected to be registered with the government and some religions considered cults are restricted.The Catholic Church, the Church of Uganda, Orthodox Church, and the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) are registered under the Trustees Incorporation Act and most other religious groups are registered yearly as Non-Government Organizations. Economy: Endowed with significant natural resources, including ample fertile land, regular rainfall, and mineral deposits, it is thought that Uganda could feed the whole of Africa if it was commercially farmed. The economy of Uganda has great potential, and it appeared poised for rapid economic growth and development.However, chronic political instability and erratic economic management produced a record of persistent economic decline that has left Uganda among the world's poorest and least-developed countries. The national energy needs have historically been more than domestic energy generation, though large petroleum reserves have been found in the west. After the turmoil of the Amin period, the country began a program of economic recovery in 1981 that received considerable foreign assistance. From mid-1984 onward, however, overly expansionist fiscal and monetary policies and the renewed outbreak of civil strife led to a setback in economic performance.Uganda began issuing its own currency in 1966 through the Bank of Uganda. Prior to the failure of the East African Currency Board, Uganda used other countries' currency. Agricultural products supply nearly all of Uganda's foreign exchange earnings, with coffee alone (of which Uganda is Africa's leading producer) accounting for about 27% of the country's exports in 2002. The industrial sector is being rehabilitated to resume production of building and construction materials, such as cement, reinforcing rods, corrugated roofing sheets, and paint.Domestically produced consumer goods include plastics, soap, cork, beer, and soft drinks. Major Cement manufacturers like ‘Tororo Cement Ltd' caters to the need of building and construction material consumers across East Africa. Hydro generation: HG (hydro generation) is U. S based company. Specialist in power plants (dams). It values strongly built in the Christian culture. It has built plants 16 countries maintained an ownership an about half of them. The Uganda is its first anywhere in Africa.Because their construction involves huge amount of capital and because many groups opposes their construction on the grounds that they typically displace large groups of people. HG wanted to bu ild as many local allies as possible for its Ugandan projects in order to prevent adverse publicity that could lead demonstrations and costly work stoppages. Its employees have a high degree of empowerment, being fully responsible for their actions. There is no code of conduct concerning expatriates lifestyle, but its corporate culture was one that reflected the lifestyle of a prosperous international company.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Personal Statement for MSc Information Systems

I believe that I am an ideal candidate to be considered for admission to the Manchester Business School’s Masters in MSc Information Systems: e-government program as I possess all the qualities needed for me to become successful in my future career. At present, I am at my final year at the University of Manchester taking up BA in Accounting and Economics, where I have consistently maintained my position as one of the top students in class. My grade is 60% or 2.1, which basically meets the requirements of program, and I intend to also get a grade of 2.1 in my examinations on May and June so that I would be placed in the Second Upper Class. In this regard, I believe that my grade more than speaks for itself as it shows that I am a highly competent student who would be able to meet and even surpass the high standards of the school’s MSc Information Systems: e-government program. Furthermore, I believe that the Manchester Business School’s Masters in MSc Information Systems: e-government program is one of the most competitive courses in the country and would no doubt help me attain my goal of being an expert in Information and Technologies (ICT) design and deployment in the context of an e-government. In addition, I also believe that the program has an in-depth curriculum that would not only help me comprehend the new trends and developments in ICT, but also enable me to critically analyze and address e-government issues which are related to various Information Systems. In short, after completing my degree in the program, I believe that I would definitely be well-equipped with the vital skills and fundamentals that would allow me to become highly adept in Information Systems of the e-government. In addition, since the program basically deals with the study of electronic or online government information systems that communicate with the people, I would also be able to learn essential information about the government and in effect, improve the delivery public service online. In other words, I believe that the course would allow me to be able to contribute to the betterment of society in my own little way. Moreover, if I am fortunate enough to be accepted into the Manchester Business School’s Masters in MSc Information Systems: e-government program, I believe I would no doubt be a highly valuable asset to the school as I have a good background on Information Technology and other computer-related courses. I have already taken up a Management Information System module last year and I am currently taking up Computerized Accounting System so I believe that upon my entry to the program I will already be equipped with the necessary skills and basics on Information Systems. However, I believe that what sets me apart from the rest of the applicants is my ability to keep up with and adapt to the constantly growing trends of technology, particularly, in Information Systems. I believe that this ability would enable me to fully understand the lessons I would be learning in the program and would help me apply my knowledge on various e-government issues regarding Information systems. Aside from my ability, I am also a person who always shows enthusiasm to learn new things. I believe that this is important in my career as it would help keep up with the fast growing pace of technology. In this regard, I believe that the ideal place for me to learn is at the Manchester Business School’s Masters in MSc Information Systems: e-government program, where I would be receiving the best education possible. In short, my various experiences, my extensive background on Information Systems, and most of all, my adaptability to new trends would no doubt enable me to make an impact on the school. If I am admitted, I would do my best and strive hard to become a highly-skilled and highly competent specialist in Information Systems of e-governments. Â   Â  

Are there advantages to treating a patient with a subarachnoid Essay

Are there advantages to treating a patient with a subarachnoid hemorrhage with endovascular coiling rather than neurosurgical clipping - Essay Example er to place an inert metal clip at the base of an aneurysm, removing this aneurysm from blood circulation and retaining the healthy part of an artery to supply blood to the brain. This procedure has been partially replaced in recent years by a relatively new procedure, endovascular coiling, which involves inserting a catheter through the femoral artery of a patient into the brain and using this catheter to fill the aneurysm with fine coils made up of the inert metal platinum, or other suitable material in order to strengthen and remove the affected part of the artery from blood circulation. Endovascular coiling has now becoming widely accepted because it is cheaper, less stressful for a patient and requires a shorter stay in a hospital, with generally lower absolute risks as compared to neurosurgical clipping. However, it is not possible to approach every aneurysm by endovascular coiling and depending on the location of the aneurysm neurosurgical clipping may still be required to be used. This dissertation presents a discussion about the relative advantage of using endovascular coiling as opposed to neurosurgical clipping as a treatment for SAH related aneurysms. Subarachnoid haemorrhage, or SAH, is a stroke subtype which occurs as a result of the rupture of either an intracranial aneurysm or an aneurysm in the basal cerebral artery which supplies blood to the human brain (Fassbender, 2001, Pp. 534) and (Kissela, 2002, Pp. 1321 – 1325). The classical presentation of SAH is a sudden and severe headache which is accompanied by vomiting, photophobia and neck stiffness (Whitfield, 2004, Pp. 14 – 16). However, it has been estimated that only one in four patients who suffer from such sever headache have had a SAH occurrence and that such headaches can also be the result of vascular—intracranial venous thrombosis, infections including meningitis, encephalitis etc, intracranial tumours, acute hydrocephalus or migraine etc to name a few other causes (Al – Shahi,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Home Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Home Network - Essay Example The connection of the home network will be through an Ethernet type of network, whereby, I will have a router that will direct the traffic between the linked devices. Preferably, there will be a connection of the router to the dial-up for allowing many computers to share a single connection to the Internet (Crabtree, Mortier, & Rodden, 2012). Another essential required for connecting the devices to the internet is a strong firewall that will protect the home network from attacks by malicious hackers and users who will corrupt data. Preferably, I will opt to use a router that combines the Ethernet network technology and a hardware firewall. Another essential required when setting up the home network is the network switch that will allow the devices connected on the home network to communicate effectively with each other through the Ethernet. A built-in switch will suffice for the router. I will also include a network bridge for connecting the network

Genghis Khan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Genghis Khan - Research Paper Example Temujin had three brothers namely Khasar, Tumuge and Khajiun, and a sister referred to Temulen. He also had two half brothers Belgutei and Bekhter. Temujin early life just like the other Mongolian tribes was not an easy one. When Temujin was at the age of nine years, his father took him to his mother’s tribe in the neighbourhood where he was required to work for several years so that he could earn himself a bride named Borje. While his father was returning home, he was poisoned by the Tatars tribe as he had a meal with them. The Tatar tribe had been enemies of the Mongolians for a long time. After the death of Temujin’s father, Temujin returned to his homeland to take after his father’s position among the Khans. However, his father’s tribe refused to be led by a young boy but instead Yesukhei’s two windows and seven children were expelled by their father’s clan. (, 2010) Hoelun and her family were left without protection and for the next several years, lived in poverty and survived by feeding on roots, fish and rodents which were hunted by Temujin and his brothers. Temujin’s mother tried all she could do to keep her family together after they were expelled by the family patriarchy when her husband died. Hoelun taught Temujin skills which were needed to survive in the desert lands of Mongolia (, 2011). During a hunting expedition, a 13 year old Temujin killed his half brother Bekhter. The incident left Temujin as the head of the household. In 1182, Temujin was captured and held a prisoner after a raid which was conducted by the Bjartskular, his father’s former allies. He stayed in captivity for more than five years. He was later released at the age of sixteen and went to look for his wife Borje. His wife Borje was still waiting for him and soon afterwards the two got married. The marriage was meant to cement a strong alliance between Temujin and other tribes. Genghis Khan also had six Mongolian wives with whom he had many children with. He also married many daughters of a foreign king who submitted to his rule (Sailer, 2003). This children and wives were not to succeed Temujin. Soon after Temujin and Borje got married, Borje was kidnapped by the Merkits and she was given away as a wife. With the help of his friends and his future enemies, Jamuka and his protector, Ong khan of the Kerait tribe, Temujin was able to rescue Borje. Nine months afterwards, Borje gave birth to a son known as Joshi. While at the age of 27, Temujin organized a ‘kuriltai’ among the Mongolians and was elected the Khan. As the leader of Mongolians, Temujin gave high office positions to his relatives and his followers who were loyal to him. (, 2011) By 1206, Temujin was able to unite a majority of the Mongolian tribes and this was what earned him the title Genghis Khan (, 2011). With the help of his army, Genghis was able to conqu er China, Samarkand, Central Asia and even Russia. Genghis and his army raided every community that resisted, killed and enslaved men. The then captured women were distributed upon the army and raped. More often, Genghis derived pleasure in sleeping with the daughters and the wives of the enemy chiefs. (Hudson, 2011) In 1227, Genghis Khan died shortly after defeating the Tangut people. The reason for his death remained unknown to many historians. References: (2011). The Mongols in World History. Retrieved 1st December

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Does multiculturalism strengthen or undermine the Canadian identity Essay

Does multiculturalism strengthen or undermine the Canadian identity - Essay Example This essay stresses that despite its benefits, as analyzed above, multiculturalism has been proved to have important risks for Canadian identity. These risks are mostly related to specific facts, such as: the lack of an integrate schedule/ plan for the co-existence of different cultural groups in Canada, the decrease of the quality of life for Canadians due to the continuous increase of immigration and the decrease of safety, as part of daily life of people across Canada. These facts verify the thesis of this paper that multiculturalism threatens Canadian identity. So far, immigrants have been welcomed in Canada on the basis that they could help the development of local economy while they could not be considered as a threat to the Canadian identity which has been believed to be quite strong, a fact that has not been fully verified in practice. Under this rate of increase, the population of immigrants in Canada would become in a few decades higher than the population of natives. Also, existing Canadian laws regulating multiculturalism are not quite clear; mistakes in their interpretation have not been avoided. In this way, the superiority of the Canadian identity in the future could be severely threatened. In other words, multiculturalism in Canada sets important risks for the country’s identity but these risks could take a few decades to be made clear; if appropriate policies are not introduced for securing Canadian identity then the radical transformation of this identity in the future would be inevitable.

Moral's in Modern Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Moral's in Modern Culture - Research Paper Example The end of this one man challenge would determine the victor, and those, who lost, would be subdued. The event is avidly described in 1 Samuel 17:41-58 where David approaches the battle line and upon exchanging a few words with Goliath, he hastens towards him, draws out his sling and a stone and with one swing, hits the giant on the forehead, stone sinks and he dies (â€Å"Bible Gateway passage,† n.d.-b). However, the text in 2 Samuel 21:18-22 is the primary source of contradiction. Verse 19 of the text states that a Jair’s son, Elhanan, killed the brother of Goliath. In the footnote of New International Version, it remarks that the original Hebrew text lacks the part â€Å"the brother ofâ€Å", which can then imply that the text originally read that Elhanan killed Goliath (â€Å"Bible Gateway passage,† n.d.-c). There may be a valid argument in that viewpoint, but the text in 1 Chronicles 20:4-8 can help clear the contradiction. The text in that excerpt briefly describes the same events described in 2 Samuel 21:18-22 but there are no footnotes indicating that the words â€Å"the brother of† was absent in the original text (â€Å"Bible Gateway passage,† n.d.-a). This impression is applied, therefore, in the interpretation of the verse in second Samuel. With such developments, it is pretty much clear that Elhanan killed Goliath’s brother, and not Goliath. The event of Goliath being slain is well described in the text 1st Samuel that is convincing enough that David killed Goliath. In the readings provided, there are two people presented to have killed Goliath. The first one is David; son of Jesse, the Bethlehemite and the second is Elhanan, son of a Bethlememite man, Jair. In the 1 Samuel 17:41-58 text, David is vividly described to have killed Goliath, with a clear demonstration of events that took place during that day. This writing, therefore, supports the fact that David killed Goliath way better than

Sexual Assault on College Campuses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sexual Assault on College Campuses - Essay Example This case forms part of the controversy that lies behind such cases where individuals mainly female students are sexually assaulted but they never live to get justice either because the school administration or the disciplinary panel frustrates their efforts and/or the police officers who are supposed to follow on the same become a source of ridicule to the already frustrated individuals. This essay will, therefore, look at the issue of sexual assault in colleges and the role of the administration in handling the social vice. In addressing the problem, the campuses take the first responsibility in curbing the vice. Advocates for civil liberty hold that the campuses need to put in place stringent measures that will stop individuals from engaging in the act. Seeking for justice is a two-way traffic issue where as much as the school may want to establish the facts and make the culprits carry their responsibility, it is also possible that some students may try to implicate others for offences they never committed. It has already been established that there are students who ended up being expelled for offences they never committed. Some of the measures put by the campuses to address the issue are not practically such as advocating for an affirmative consent between partners at any stage of sex. Most campuses are also not equipped to handle such cases. In a situation where a lady has been raped, the immediate action will involve a visit to a medical practitioner for vaginal swabs to be taken that will probably aid in a forensic investigation. If the initial personnel that the case is reported to fails in adjudicating for such an action, it is likely that the evidence will be spoilt and following the case will be futile. The students need to be informed on the process of reporting such an occurrence. Most students are not only ignorant of their rights but also ignorant of the measures that they should take if they fell victim in such a case.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What were the sources and manifestations of Turkish national Essay

What were the sources and manifestations of Turkish national consciousness in the late Ottoman period (1860-1922) - Essay Example According to notable historians, the foundation and manifestation of Turkish national consciousness in this era are summarized as follows: The advent of nationalism in Western Europe in the 19th century had a substantial effect with regard to how the Christian population in the Ottoman state viewed their identity. During this period, the new radical nationalists were contending with the traditional leaders within the millets. This condition was compounded by the fact that the emerging superpowers of those times were meddling with the internal affairs of the state depending on what is beneficial for their own interest. (Poulton) The Tanzimat is described as the embodiment of reforms pertaining to the various aspects of the relations between the state and the subject. It was pioneered by Mustafa Resid Pasa and continued by Ali Pasa and Fuad Pasa, who were modernist bureaucrats. The Tanzimat was established to challenge the prevailing system. Planned reforms on society, judiciary and education incorporated views on security of life and property, as well as fair and public trial. In addition, the Tanzimat aimed to introduce religious equality in courts, which shocked the Muslim population. (Poulton) Although these reforms failed to create the intended Ottoman nation, the Tanzimat facilitated the process of nationalism influencing the Christian populations and dismantling the empire in the Balkans. This was done by enfeebling the conservative millet leaders and rendering greater influence to the nationalists. (Poulton) Young Ottomans, who gained distinction during the late Tanzimat period (1867-78), were the first to organize opposition groups which utilized ideas of the Enlightenment and tried to integrate modernization with Islam. Moreover, they were the foremost Ottoman group to harness the power of the media to proliferate their principles. (Poulton) Most notable of these Young Ottomans were Namik Kemal and Ali Suavi. The former

Arab and Israel Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Arab and Israel Conflict - Essay Example al and nationalist clash over competing territorial ambitions after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and it involves the foundation of the Zionist movement and the ensuing formation of the modern State of Israel. The first conflict between the two nations, known as the first Arab-Israeli War, started on May 15, 1948, when five Arab armies invaded the one-day- old Jewish state. This war is generally divided into two phases: the first began on November 30, 1947 and ended on May 14, 1948, with the termination of the British Mandate and the second phase started on May 15, 1948 and ended on July 20, 1949, with the signing of the last of the Armistice Agreements between Israel and its Arab neighbours. Significantly, the War of Independence in 1948 was the most destructive wars that the two nations ever fought and it only marked the beginning of the Arab-Israeli conflict. â€Å"By the time the fighting was over, Israel, albeit at the exorbitant human cost of 1 percent of its population, had survived the Arab attempt to destroy it at birth and had asserted its control over wider territories than those assigned to it by the UN Partition Resolution.† (Karsh 2008, P. 6). It is essential to realise that the 1948 war was more than a war about national self-determination in the light of concept of the formation of a Jewish homeland and the displacement of the Palestinians. This chapter makes a reflective exploration of the War of Independence in 1948, outlining the balance of forces which shaped the British Mandate of Palestine between Palestinians, Arabs, and the increasing number of immigrant Jews, in order to comprehend the various aspects of the conflict such as the two-state solution provided by the United Nation. The 1948 Arab–Israeli War, which was fought between the newly declared State of Israel and its Arab neighbours, has been known in different names, and the Israelis call it as the War of Independence or War of Liberation while the Arabs name it as the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

What factors will be relevant in resolving this dispute and how will Essay

What factors will be relevant in resolving this dispute and how will they be applied by the court in this case - Essay Example Of course, Kev does hold ownership of the mansion and can enjoy the profit from it if any. However, he is not entitled to sell it or insist Agatha to vacate the mansion. Also, section 12 of the Act states that â€Å"beneficiary is entitled to an interest in possession in land subject to a trust of land is entitled by reason of his interest to occupy the land†1. Section 14of the Trust of Land and Appointment Trustees Act 1996 specifies court’s power in preventing the disposal of property. The law further denotes that selling the property should be â€Å"free of any equitable rights† which does not apply in this case. Similar to this case, a recent judgment on a case study of Jones v Kernott (2011) UKSC 53 reveals the fact that the person’s interest on the property should be recognized and fulfilled as he has 50:50 share or ownership on land or property2. Hence, in this case Agatha has to make only certain amount of compensations if Kev does not experience any benefit from the property. No law of the country would ever prevent her from staying at the mansion for the rest of her life. A jury would always observe a person’s state of mind, intension, and whether it hurts any of the partners in some ways or other. In this case, Agatha’s desire to remain in rambling mansion has to be accepted, because she as the co-owner and an aged woman deserves caring consideration for every cause. On the flip side, when one considers the demand of Kev, his claim does not point to any loss he experiences because of Agatha’s stay. Since he does not have a clear reason to support the immediate sale of the mansion, his argument would not sustain in the court of law. TLATA always intends to ensure peace and harmony. Agatha may have to make certain level of compensation if Kev proves that he does not get any benefits from the mansion. But such claims of Kev should have valid proofs and

Intellectuals and Revolutionary Politics Term Paper

Intellectuals and Revolutionary Politics - Term Paper Example Even though telling the half of the story, this description is perhaps among the most comprehensive ones, shedding light on such a contradictory personality and intellectual path. Another part is told by Sorel’s own ideas expressed in his writings which to one degree or another reveal his preoccupation with themes like integration and disintegration, decadence, rebirth, and decline; as well as his deepest sentiments – the aggressive and overwhelming pessimism and his strong desire of deliverance. His notion of pessimism - as a notion of an advance toward deliverance, closely connected to the knowledge gained from experience of the obstacles resisting the satisfaction of human’s imagination and to the deep conviction of human beings’ natural weakness - perhaps most powerfully reveals the breadth and width of his meandering soul (Sorel, G. 192- 226) Sorel regards pain and suffering as instrumental in riveting human beings to life, and scorns those who promis e easy solutions and rapid improvement, assuming that the natural tendency toward dissolution and decay is a universal law (Talmon, J. L. 453-454). Having embraced the theory of Marx by the early 1890s, George Sorel added some flesh to the confused blur of his ideas; the universal sinner and perpetrator of all the sufferings of the poor has been found, personified by the evils of capitalism. From that point on, the integral trade unionism, as a bearer of a new morality, became the new ‘self-sufficient kingdom of God’ (Talmon 456), whose destine is seen by Sorel ‘to enthrone a new civilization on the ruins of the decaying bourgeoisie. From here to hailing Mussolini as ‘a man no less extraordinary than Lenin’ (Talmon 451), Sorel has had a short way to go. Sorel’s roaming between Marx, trade unionism and fascism is easily explained, given his rejection of the very idea of any guidance, supervision or control, either from outside or from above; whi ch is considered to have prepared him to endorse Mussolini’s famous slogan: ‘Every system is an error, every theory is a prison’ (Talmon 467). This slogan appears to fully match Sorel’s ever seeking (though most of the time on mistaken or strange grounds) spirituality. 2. Both Jean-Paul Sartre and Frantz Fanon long for revolution – Sartre to see his country, France, destroyed, Fanon to see former French colonies liberated. Which of the two seems to want to be destroyed along with the establishment he resists? Why the one and not the other? The preface to Fanon’s book, The Wretched of the Earth, written by Jean-Paul Sartre, delivers a shocking message to the reader, as it comes from a thinker whose outlook on the then world realities and his nature (or posture) of a politically engaged intellectual indicate an emphasis on the humanist values and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 94

Case Study Example Reason being; they possess the following advantages: they have unlimited access to information; agents on the ground; and direct contacts with factories. However, the sad thing is that importers have to incur the high costs of permits, shipments and inventory taking before selling. As a merchant/retailer, he will be able to get supplies from the local companies, brand them and even improve the quality of the products. Thereafter, she would sell them at higher prices both locally and internationally. However, the disadvantage associated with this is that there will be minimal control of exports; more companies will join the market; this will lead to enhanced policies and restrictions thus reducing profit margins.(The Chinese Fireworks Industry-Revised: page215 ) 2. The suitable point for jerry to enter into the industry is like a merchant. Because the Chinese products are of inferior quality compared to those from Japan and Korea, as a merchant he will obtain supplies from various local factories. Subsequently, brand them and improve on their quality (The Chinese Fireworks Industry-Revised: pg 219). He could then setup wholesale booths in the countryside. Thereafter, peddlers and other small-scale dealers would source the commodities from the market and sell in the surrounding communities. Consequently, he would avoid the low-profit margins as a manufacturer and brand identity loss. Given the reasonably good quality of Chinese product and cheapness, branding and better quality fuse replacement of the same products would render them at higher sale prices (The Chinese Fireworks Industry-Revised: pg

Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

5 - Assignment Example It is mentioned that it is important not only to attract and employ the top talent but also provide them with a suitable work environment that is considerate of their needs as professionals (Clark). With the advent of technology, the fresh graduates from top colleges are tech savvy and require independence as far as work is concerned. Thus, in order to satisfy them organizations need to break their cultural mindset and be more flexible towards conditions that complement  their  performance. The article suggests that the procurement leader needs to be opening minded so as to how to make each member of his team feel at ease. Since the millennial have always been technologically savvy and require technologically sound facilities that can facilitate their work process, the leaders of procurement teams should accommodate them and allow them the discretion of doing things their way to a certain extent and recognize them for the outcome of their work. Today’s professionals are generally inquisitive about the why aspect of every decision and require a logical backing for every instruction they are given. Technology might increase their work efficiency and time consumption rate but their thought process is also enhance d as a result thus they prefer to work in organizations that are transparent and have their decisions clearly laid out for all the participants to reason, comprehend and ultimately act upon them effectively. Another aspect covered in the chosen article is that of continuous training and development. Professionals of today seek organizations that provide them with the adequate training that hones and nurtures their existing knowledge and help them gain sustainable knowledge that is periodically enhanced through training sessions In a nutshell the article suggests that the procurement leaders need to be open to change and strive to continuously equip their organization and teams with the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How the theory of Strategic Human Resource Management can assist Essay

How the theory of Strategic Human Resource Management can assist organisations in achieving and sustaining competitive advantage - Essay Example The paper tells that the increasing complexities and difficulties of management gave rise to the concept of managing at the strategic level. Managing at the strategic level is concerned with the long-term positioning of the organization. With the changes in the work environment, the private sector started recognizing that apart from financial and technological capital, human capital can also provide the competitive advantage. This led to innovation in HR practices or strategic human resources management. Delery and Doty defined strategic HRM practices as those that are â€Å"theoretically or empirically related to overall organizational performance†. Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) is about linking people with the organization – integrating HRM strategies into corporate strategies. In other words, SHRM aims to align or integrate decisions about people with the results that the organization aims to achieve. This is done because it is believed that integrating business strategy with HRM can lead to effective management of human resources and thereby enhanced organizational performance. The primary role of HR in the past has been compliance with laws, rules, and regulation. If the HR departments have a future-orientation and if the HR strategies operate as an integral part of the overall business plan, firms can achieve competitive advantage, according to Budhwar and Aryee. SHRM strategies can be used for knowledge creation, storage, and dissemination in organizations. HR practices influence an organization’s social climate which in turn leads to knowledge exchange and better organizational performance. Many researchers and scholars have contributed to strategic HRM with their own models and processes. For instance, Storey developed a model that demonstrates a shift from traditional personnel management to HRM. This model comprises of four key aspects – a constellation of beliefs and assumptions, strategic thrust informing d ecisions about people management, the involvement of line managers and shaping of employment relationship through commitment rather than forceful compliance. According to Storey, since the model has the linkage between employment policies and corporate plan, it can lead to competitive advantage. This model also identifies that strategic approach to HRM can be developed by bringing about changes in various elements of HRM functions such as recruitment and selection, training and development, and the conditions of employment. He suggested changes such as nurturing the workforce rather than monitoring them and management action should be based on the business need rather than following set procedures. Devolution to line managers has been proposed by many scholars as a core aspect of SHRM. SHRM has led to redefining the roles of the top management. Certain functions and issues are too complex for the top management to handle and devolvement of HRM to the line managers can lead to the fa ster response.

The Wife of Bath is the rapist knight herself Essay Example for Free

The Wife of Bath is the rapist knight herself Essay She still praises him and speaks of the abuse inflicted on her very matter-of-factly. As difficult as it may be to swallow, could it be that she is an example of a woman who merely wants the illusion of having control while she is really the one who is controlled? It is not to say that women dont want power. We just dont want all of the power. After taking another one of his beatings, she made her fifth husband feel so guilty that he relinquished all of his assets. Therefore, there was a cessation of power which perhaps implies to the reader that her husband may now be less desirable to her, since she has now defeated and conquered him. After this encounter, we do not hear much more of the fifth husband. Why is that? Is it because theres nothing left to tell now that she controls him? We arent even told how this marriage ends whether he died or they separated. Of tongue and fist, indeed of all hed got. I made him burn that book upon the spot. And when Id mastered him, and out of deadlock. Secured myself the sovereignty of wedlock. For ages, women have begged men to be more eager to listen and indulge us in our thoughts and desires. However, we tend to become bored with these men. Though the two latter marriages dont seem successful, the reader can see the transition between husbands from ones that were simple and easily tames to the ones that were more difficult and harder to control. She is finding it harder to find a husband, now that she feels weakened, by what she considers the natural flaw of aging I wont prevent him! Ill have a husband yet. So now she needs to assert herself, using some other way to demonstrate her power. She doesnt really have the things that she describes as important, except for what she has superficially attainted through past marriages. You say that some desire us for our wealth, Some for our shapeliness, our looks, our health, Some for our singing, others for our dancing, Some for our gentleness and dalliant glancing, And some because our hands are soft and small; But your account the devil gets us all. Though in her tale she brings out her point that women want dominance over a man in marriage, there are flaws to her story telling. The nominal hero in the tale is a rapist. The word rape is often promoted by the Wife of Bath throughout her tale. The king in the Wifes tale represents authority and would have inflicted the punishment of death on the knight. The queen on the other hand would have preferred the knight to also be raped, an eye for an eye. Out of context, it can be seen that the Wife of Bath is the rapist knight herself. Since the story is her own, her traits can be seen through the different characters. The Wife of Bath is interchangeable. She can be the knight who conquers the woman and who is also blinded by the false importance of age and beauty. Having created the knight and the theme of rape, she becomes a perpetual self-rapist. She could be the woman who is overtaken by the knights sexuality and strength, a sign of her sexual weakness. She could be the queen who is set upon this man learning that woman want/need control. Or even more so, we can see her as the hag who conquers the man and wins the power in the relationship. There is a gentle irony in the Wifes tale. Her story is of the antifeminist clichi that all women in their hearts desire to have control but also subconsciously want to be raped.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Historical Theology Essay Example for Free

Historical Theology Essay I. Introduction: As I said in my first Reflection Paper, my knowledge and exposure to Christianity has been somewhat limited. Throughout my life I have been a person who wanted to know â€Å"Why† and have factual proof to support my thoughts and ideas. I have chosen Historical Theology and Fulfilled Prophecy as my two topics. By reading about Historical Theology I am developing a better understanding of some of the essential points of Christian Doctrine. Fulfilled Prophesies provide definitive proof to give my beliefs in Christianity and the Bible a solid foundation. I plan on using both to develop as a knowledgeable and responsible Christian. Since my knowledge of these two topics is in its infancy and I must always keep in mind to crawl before walking and walk before running. II. Part One: Historical Theology a. Historical Theology is described as the study of the development and history of Christian doctrine. While closely related to Historical Theology, Church History should remain separate from Historical Theology. Historical Theology records changes in doctrine that led to divisions and movements within church and Church History is the record of the divisions and movements. b. Luke gives us the Biblical Foundation for Theological History. He began by recording his account of â€Å"all that Jesus began to do and to teach† (Acts 1:1). The book of Acts is the account of what Jesus continued to do and teach through his church. Acts 28:30-31 conclude with, â€Å"For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!† c. While not one of my deepest thoughts, I’ve often wondered why there were so many different churches all claiming to be the one true path to the end goal of heaven. As I progress in my readings of Church History, I am awed by the impact relatively small revisions in doctrine have upon Church History and Historical Theology. A change in wording or different interpretation of a word, phrase or paragraph resulted in â€Å"A new and improved version.† I welcome and value the benefits of the church community, but since becoming a â€Å"Christian† the desire to belong to the right church doesn’t have the same strength as my desire need for salvation. III. Part Two: Fulfilled Prophecy a. The Bible is the Word of God and provides our path to salvation. Fulfilled prophecy provides positive and unerring proof of the validity and accuracy of the Bible. However, while I believe this, there are those who don’t. They use false arguments such as, man wrote the bible and since man is fallible how can the Bible be the Word of God? I have found references that agree there are about 2,500 prophecies of which nearly 2,000 have been fulfilled. That’s 2,000 prophecies fulfilled without error. Man can never achieve a perfect completion rate. A perfect completion rate is God’s territory. The prophecies that remain unfulfilled occur in the future. b. There are two examples of Biblical Foundation that apply to Fulfilled prophecy I’d like to use. First, Moses in Deuteronomy 18:21-22 sets the test for a true prophet. A true prophet’s predictions are 100 percent accurate. No errors. Second, in 700 B.C. Micah predicted the birthplace of the Messiah. (M icah 5:2). That’s an astounding feat. Of all the births that occurred in all the known cities, towns and lands in 700 years it is simply astounding that he predicted Bethlehem as Christ’s birthplace. c. Fulfilled Prophecy has been helpful to my Christian education and growth. People with greater Biblical knowledge and understanding than me have said the Bible is error free. I use internet the to find information about Biblical prophecies and am interested and intrigued by what I find. Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and other religious sects all may have written or oral guidance. None of them have, nor will they ever have, the fulfilled prophecies and promise of the Bible. Satan and his helpers have made prophecies. Unlike those in the bible, they are not detailed, but filled with generalities, may fit several situations and never 100 percent correct. Satan’s prophecies exclude a call for repentance, one of the key components in our path to salvation. IV. Conclusion: Inexperience and unfamiliarity with the Bible makes me avoid participating in discussions with the more skilled or better Biblically educated. Rather than participate verbally, I actively listen to identify points/events that I’m unfamiliar with or don’t understand. I research these points/events in order to try and better understand them. Studying Historical Theology helps me understand the history behind the doctrine. I believe the Bible is the Word of God and provides our path to salvation. A Biblical prophecy must contain evidence of divine inspiration. That is the prophecy must contain information the prophet could not have known or been aware of under normal circumstances in effect at the time of the prophecy. Fulfilled Prophecy is an essential element in the argument that the Bible is the Word of God. For me I believe God breathed the Word. That is it. No debate and no argument.

Identity Theft in Cyber Crime | Proposal

Identity Theft in Cyber Crime | Proposal A Research Proposal on Identity Theft Abstract In Todays competitive world identity theft is increasing throughout the world. The main purpose of this research is to make people aware of what identity theft is, how its happening, and what kind of technology has been used. How do you protect yourself from Identity theft? Introduction The main study of research is regarding identity theft in Cyber Crime. Well first and foremost, what is meant by the term identity theft? A very short and simple definition for identity theft is stealing other peoples personal details like Social security number, credit card details, Date of Birth etc. What are the criminals going to do with these details? Why they do that? What kind of technologies are they using to steal the other persons details? Is it becoming very dangerous nowadays? How is it possible to protect yourself from identity theft? In the UK, almost all of the people are using broadband services (BT Group Plc, 2006). The Internet is making everything easy for the consumer. Almost half of the population in the UK is using online banking, paying their bills, shopping and using the Internet to fulfil their day to day tasks. The Internet is a form of global communication throughout the world. Almost 60% percent of the people in the UK use online banking (BT Group Plc, 2006). It is quick, and reliable; however people are not aware of the threads in online banking. The majority of the people in the UK are becoming victims of online banking. Online business, internet auction, Phishing E-Mails, Trojans, and Man in the Middle attacks, Easy Password, Spyware, Adware, Payment system and cookies are the threads on the Internet (BT Group Plc, 2006). Besides the technology mentioned above, there is more technology that will indicate, at the time of execution, the research? However consumers can protect themselves from the above threads by using effective Anti-virus software, Spyware and Adware remover, Secured Wireless connection by using WAP or WEP, avoid unnecessary cookies, delete unwanted e-mails and never give out their identity in instant messaging. If the consumers follow these systems they could protect themselves from Identity theft. These cyber crimes become a global issue throughout the world (Shinder, 2002). The hackers are using up-to-the-minute technology to get the identity. Criminals are using technologies like liberate effective virus and Phishing e-mails to millions of Internet users to capture their personal details, social security number, credit card details, and date of birth. Therefore, recently, online fraud has greatly increased day by day. The news released by Metro in 2007 says that 9 out of 10 people are affected by identity theft. So what is the solution to solve this major problem and avoid not becoming a victim of identity theft? Why do I chosen Identity Theft in Cyber Crime? As stated earlier Identity theft in Cyber Crime is increasing throughout the world. The reason why that I selected this topic is to make aware of in depth knowledge of what is Identity theft? And make the Internet users aware of the tools, technology, and programs are available in the market to protect them from Identity theft in Cyber Crime. I am going make an animation website to guide the Internet users, how to use and install the tools, technology and programs to protect them from Identity theft. Background and Literature Review Overview of Identity Theft In the UK (BT Group Plc, 2006), the USA and some parts of Europe the Identity Theft is spreading like a virus. Its become one of the major problems throughout the world. Each and every day someone becomes a victim of identity theft. The Internet is a form global communication throughout the world as we all known very well. Every individual, companys, students, Solicitor, Banking and almost in the entire field, the Internet is the key form of communication to make their work quicker, easier, more reliable and effective. Why it is Significant? As we are seeing, nowadays, online business is booming each and every day, as shown by news released by Federal Trade Commission (Loza, 2001), online businesses reach up to  £3.2 trillion by 2004. However online fraud is also increasing along with the increase in online business. Well its quite weird how millions of people are becoming victims of identity theft. The majority of the people losing their personal details are losing them by using the internet. The news releases by the Federal Trade Commission about online business fraud are as follows In United States of America online business reach up to  £3.2 trillion by 2004 (Loza, 2001) The consumers are making online business around  £3.5 million each month (Loza, 2001). The estimated online payment was  £1.5 billion in 1999 and  £30 billion in 2005 (Loza, 2001) In the UK almost five Million people use broadband (BT Group Plc, 2006). In UK almost 62% of Internet users are not aware of the threads and vulnerability in online, furthermore 40% of users said that they are not even bothered whether they become a victim or not. Some users say they dont even mind to giving out their Personal details to the third parties. Internet crime is not only the regarding credit card details but also the online Identity theft, which is increasingly rapidly throughout the world, especially in developed countries like the UK, the USA and Canada. This online ID Theft is one of the fastest growing Internet crimes in the UK especially. More or less 8% of the UK PC users are falling victim to online fraud. 15% know already that they have been targeted by an internet crook. The Internet crooks using technology to retrieve the personal information from the users, release Viruses, phishing e-mails and other effective technology. With this technology they can attack millions of Internet users very quickly. The identity theft has become a big hassle for Internet users (Atwood, 2007). Some Internet users might use E-Bay. It is the online website from which we can buy and sell whatever things that we need. It is a giant online shopping website. In this website we might need to exchange our card details to third parties, but the third party has more possibility to cheat us. This gives evidence that there are many threads and a users information is very vulnerable on the Internet. ID theft has developed online because the number of consumers surfing and shopping online has greatly increased (Insight Consulting, 2003) (Acxede, 2006). Unfortunately more from the personal information is derived from the electoral registration. Mainly we have started to use and exchange the credit card details with banks and other retailers. This projects main aims are to show the risks associated with e commerce and the Internet communication technologies. Further, discussion continues on personal ID theft As a result we are losing our privacy in the Internet (Burchell et al, 2004), for example, when we register for any subscriptions from a service from an online company or when downloads bring increased risk of giving away personal information. The main issue the world is facing now, when we submitting our personal data, is that the companies give this information to third parties. They behave dishonestly to us. Cookies, adware and web bugs are used to retrieve the personal information. As we all known, most of the Companies from the UK have their customer service in India (BT Group Plc, 2006). In lndia, Labour is cheap, thats why Almost 80% of the international call centres are located in India. Because of cheap labour in India, employees start selling the IDs to the third parties. BT (British Telecom) holds almost 90% of British peoples identity information, addresses and other security information, in the department of customer service for BT in India. Due to cheap labour they wont get panic to sell Personal Details. So no one is safe in UK. Fake ID There are some websites which sell fake ID cards and deliver the ID on the same day (FraudWatch International, 2003). The above ID is a Fake ID, so the crooks are not worried nowadays about making online fake ID. The fake ID will cost you only  £10 and the delivery charge is  £5. So there is a separate website for making fake passport, ID, National Insurance Number and Student ID card. Just for  £10. So any one could make one fake id and NI number and they can start working in the UK. Online Scam The online scam means sending fake web pages to your email from a well-known ISP (BT Group Plc, 2006) (Insight Consulting, 2003). This email will tell the addressee to update their ISP Billing information and it will direct them to click on the fake link. This is to turn the people to the bogus webpage. They are both similar in appearance. It contains the same company logo and all the other infrastructure of the website remains the same. The focal seek of the scam is to instruct to enter their credit cards details, social security number, Date of Birth and the security number. This information would be more than enough to earn thousands of pounds and dollars. In most peoples Curriculum Vitae personal information is mentioned, including Date of Birth. Millions of people register in famous jobs websites every day. In that case, many crooks will come across our personal information. If our personal information gets in to the hands of cyber criminals, then we will become the victims for identity theft. The main purpose of the research is to bring together the skills, experience, and research about the online Identity theft. It will examine what is online Identity theft is, how its happening, what technology has been used, and how to prevent the online identity theft. Methodology My methodology for this proposal is how people are losing their data, in what kind of way they are becoming gullible by the information supplied by the crook and how to protect them from this identity theft on the Internet. At the current situation, the modernised world is facing lot of tribulation from well educated crooks (Insight Consulting, 2003). As the technology develops along X -axis, they generate equal antagonist clout to overcome the security issues along Y-axis. My project mainly concerns identity theft in Cyber Crime. There are some effective technologies currently being used for online ID theft. Following, are the technologies that I recently found from my research from journals, books and online. (Shinder 2002) Network Intrusion and Attacks Password Cracking Trojans Viruses Worms Phishing Man in middle attack Spyware The above mentioned points are responsible for ID theft and other kinds of crimes over the Internet (Shinder, 2002). Thus meaning, the cyber criminal cleverly hacks the personal details by using any one of the above mention points. So the criminals use the above technology, tools and programs to make a tragedy on the World Wide Web. Network Intrusion and Attacks The Network Intrusion and attack comes from all direction (Shinder 2002). It may come from external threads or from internal threads. The external threads mostly come from the Internet and the internal threads possibly from an inside job. Internal threads may come from Local Area Network (LAN) or some kind of physical access to attack the system. Nowadays the attackers dont need to have more skills, because there are some tools available to attack. Password Cracking There are more than 100 tools are there in the market to crack the password (Shinder 2002). As far as my secondary research is concerned, password cracking tools are available in the market to crack the password. To use this tool you need to be a computer literate. Its all users friendly as anyone who has the intention to do it can do so. This is one of the ways that crooks are using to steal identities through Cyber Crime. Trojans, Viruses and worms Trojans simply called as Trojan horse (Shinder 2002). The Trojan is a software program, which is mostly written by hackers to avoid a system security (BT Group Plc, 2006). If the Trojans are installed the hackers can utilize the security gap to gain the unauthorized access. If the program is installed in the system, hackers can have full authority to delete or modify the files and install other programs and viruses. So the Trojans are hazardous if any unwary user who installs it is an administrator and has the access to the system files. Virus is another program which is more dangerous (Shinder 2002). Viruses are installed without the users awareness and it executes actions that are very harmful. The viruses can come from anywhere; mostly they come from the Internet and network services such as the World Wide Web (WWW), E-Mail, instant messaging and file sharing systems. Worms is also a program that is able to pass through crossways over the network from one system to another system (Shinder 2002). The worm was used to illustrate the code that harms multiuser systems. These programs are mainly design for legitimate users to manage the multiple systems at the same time. Perhaps hackers use worms to perform some harmful actions. Phishing E-Mail One of the major concerns for Internet users is phishing E-Mail (BT Group Plc, 2006). The e-mail ids are available for sale on the Internet for a cheap price (Shinder 2002). The crooks take advantage of this opportunity to send bogus e-mails. The E-Mail claims to be from a bank, financial institute or other online fake website and asks the addressee to enter whatever information they required like personal details, username and password etc. This kind of technology is one of the major concerns for the internet users, because its quite weird to recognise which is the original website and that of the fake. Man in the middle man attack The man in the middle attack is able to read, insert and modify at desire, (BT Group Plc, 2006) the message between both the parties without either party significant in the knowledge that the connection among them has been compromised. Spyware The Spyware is software installed on the system without user knowledge; it is somewhat like Trojan horse. The spyware program can also collect also the information like personal details, username and password and the Internet history. This may lead to harmful disruption to your system. The Network Intrusion and Attack, Password Cracking, Trojan, Virus, Worms, Man in the middle man attack and spyware (Shinder, 2002) (BT Group Plc, 2006) are the responsible for the identity theft in Cyber Crime. However I am doing primary research about these technologies, tools and programs for my dissertation with the help of my supervisor. I hope my primary research will be very helpful for Internet users, government companies and private companies to protect, learn and become aware of the Identity theft in Cyber Crime. How to prevent yourself from cybercrime? Cyber crime is spreading like a virus throughout the world (BT Group Plc, 2006), how can you protect yourself from cybercrime? What should we do to avoid becoming a victim? Awareness of Network Security Concepts Awareness of Basic cryptography concepts Awareness firewalls Awareness of Phishing E-Mail. Awareness of Virus, Trojan and Worms. Awareness of Anti-Virus Software. Internet user, Government and Private concern should know the Awareness of Network Security, Password Cracking, firewalls, Phishing E-Mails, Trojans, Virus, Worms and Spyware to protect themselves from Identity Theft. My primary research will definitely help them to protect themselves from Identity theft in Cyber Crime. I am keenly performing primary research in awareness of the above tools, technology and program. I think that hopefully, my primary research would be more effective for the Internet user, Government and private concern. What would be my contribution for Identity theft in Cyber Crime? As we all are aware of the Identity Theft in Cyber Crime, but why still 70% of the people are becoming a victim for Identity Theft? The reason is most of the people are not aware of the protocol and other technology, tools and programs that are available in the market. I am working towards creating awareness of the Identity Theft in Cyber Crime. I hopefully think that my research will be more effective for the Internet user to protect them from Identity theft and not to become a victim. Resources The maximum budget for my project will be approximately  £500. I will be visiting to research centres, and some companies to do primary research about tools and technology used by the crooks. The software requirement are Microsoft Office 2007 Adobe Photoshop CS3 HTML Adobe Premier Macromedia Flash Smart Draw AutoCAD Corel Draw 12 The System requirements. Processor Intel Pentium 4 / Duo core / Core to Duo Memory (RAM) Minimum 256MB Hard Disc Minimum 20 GB Operating System Windows Vista/ Windows XP CD-ROM Readable/ Rewritable USB Cable Keyboard Mouse. Planning The estimated time for my project will be around 4 months. During my project I plan to visit some companies and research centre to gain more knowledge about Identity Theft in Cyber Crime and also I will be doing surveys about Identity Theft with the public. Conclusion The migration of Identity Theft in Cyber Crime is not at all an easy task. It requires a huge effort, patience and understanding the fundamental architecture. This research will give a sound knowledge to Internet users, Government and private concern about what is Identity theft? How its happening? By whom its happening and how to protect yourself from identity theft? References Acxede (2006) Hack #12: Add a PayPal Button to your Office Live Basics Page [Online] [Accessed: 29 April 2008] Atwood, J. (2007) Coding Horror: Phishing: The Forever Hack [Online] [Accessed: 29 April 2008] BT Group plc (2006) Security Report: Online Identity Theft [Online] [Accessed: 28 April 2008] Burchell, D., Nielsen, D., and Sofield, S. (2004) PayPal Hacks. Sebastopol, CA, USA: OReilly Media Inc. FraudWatch International (2003) Types of Identity Theft [Online] [Accessed: 28 April 2008] Insight Consulting (2003) Identity Theft: Managing the Risk [Online] [Accessed: 30 April 2008] Loza, E. (2001) Internet Fraud: Federal Trade Commission Prosecutions of Online Conduct. In: Communications and the Law, Vol.23 Shinder, D. L. (2002) Scene of the Cybercrime: Computer Forensics Handbook. 1st Ed. London, UK: Syngress Publishing Greys Anatomy Vs Serendipity: Psychological Perspectives Greys Anatomy Vs Serendipity: Psychological Perspectives Greys Anatomy is a medical drama that follows group of surgical interns, residents, and the various physicians who serve as their mentors both in their professional and personal lives (Rhimes 2005). There are multiple story lines that have been or are being followed to go along with the variety of characters and plots that the series portrays. The series first aired in 2005 and was recently renewed for its seventh season. The target audience for this show is men and women of various races, cultures, sexual preferences, religions, and personalities from the ages of 18-34 years of age (Rhimes 2005). Enter the world of Seattle Grace Hospital, where residents and interns strive to become the best surgeons in the country, but first they must learn to navigate the murky waters of life, love and relationships. The series starts with a focus on Meredith Grey, a surgical resident trying to live up to the reputation of her famous mother, the brilliant Dr. Ellis Grey. Her Alzheimer-stricken mother eventually passes on and in the moment she dies finally gives Meredith the validation she has always wanted from her mother but was never able to. Meredith finally marries the brilliant neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd and is moving forward in a positive direction. As the show has progressed the focus has shifted from primarily Merediths point of view that of all of Merediths fellow interns, residents, and attending surgeons. Along with Meredith are four other interns that have started the program with her, Alex Karev, George OMalley, Izzie Stevens and Cristina Yang. They are mentored by Miranda Bailey, a general surgeon who eventually becomes the hospitals Chief Resident and later becomes an attending general surgeon as well as a number of other attending surgeons of various specialties. Dr. Addison Montgomery a highly specialized OB/GYN and neonatal surgeon, is Dereks wife who arrives in Seattle seeking reconciliation. Addison eventually leaves the show the show but continues to make occasional guest appearances through crossovers of the spin-off show Private Practice. Dr. Mark Sloan a talented plastic surgeon, is Dereks former best friend, who Derek caught sleeping with Addison. Callie Torres an orthopedic surgeon that was introduced as a love-interest for George, whom she later marries, but ultimately divorces. Eventually there is a stunning addition to the cast when the interns that the show has foll owed become residents and are assigned their own interns one of which is Lexie Grey, Merediths half-sister on her fathers side. Trauma surgeon Owen Hunt and pediatric surgeon Arizona Robbins are introduced as love interests for Christina and Callie respectively. George dies a tragic heroic death, and Izzie leaves following the breakdown of her relationship with Alex that was preceded by a dramatic fight with cancer. Lexie and Mark have a fairly serious relationship for a while until Mark chooses his newly found daughter and unborn child over her. Now that Lexie is free from Mark and Alex is free from Izzie they start a fling to help each other get over their exes and it turns into a relationship. Attending Teddy Altman is introduced as a cardiothoracic surgeon from Owens military past. Finally as a reflection of the hard economic times residents Jackson Avery and April Kepner, transfer to Seattle Grace in a merger with Mercy West. Serendipity is a romantic comedy that is a story about faith, destiny, and timing (Fields 2001). It shows the how two people connected only for a night and had such an impact on each other that they eventually end up together years later after going a little bit crazy trying to follow the signs they think fate is showing them. The movie was shown in theaters in 2001 and has since been released on DVD and aired on television. The target audience is women 18-34 years of age. Sara and Jonathon meet in New York City during the Christmas season and both want to buy the same pair of black cashmere gloves in Bloomingdales. Jonathon graciously allows Sara to buy them and as a thank you she takes him to Serendipity 3 for a treat. Even though they are both dating other people they end up spending the evening together ice skating and talking. At the end of the night Jonathon asks Sara to at least exchange names and numbers incase life happens. Sara finally gives in and the paper with her name and number is blown out of her hand. Jonathan then pleads with her to write the information down again, and being superstitious by nature, Sara decides it was a sign that maybe this connection wasnt meant to be. Jonathon asks her if fate didnt want them to be together then why did they meet? This gives Sarah an idea. She has Jonathon write his name and number on a five dollar bill and uses it to buy a role of Certs. She promises to write her own name and number in the book L ove in the time of Cholera and sell it to a used bookstore. That would put their information out into the world and if they were destined to be together these items would find their way back to each other, and they would be able to contact each other. Life goes on and eventually they give up the idea of finding each other. Jonathon is engaged to Hallie, and Sara is engaged to Lars, but neither has forgotten about the other. As the wedding dates loom closer and closer Jonathon and Sara start to think more and more about the night they spent together. They both make one last effort to find each other. Jonathon does eventually find the book and Sara does eventually find the five dollar bill. They also eventually realize that if they are looking for one another then they shouldnt be marrying anyone else. They both break off their engagements and eventually find themselves back at the skating rink where it all began, each with their single black cashmere glove. Now they are both single and are free to pursue the attraction they feel. Viewers watch this television series and this type of movie for similar psychological reasons. Fischoff (n.d.) states that a person watching dramas is doing so to fill a social/ personality need and that watching comedies is done to make a person happy. Some people watch because they want the emotional rush they have experienced in the past from watching the same television show or similar movies. This emotional rush is what Potter (2008) classifies as a behavior effect called narcotizing. However, those are the things the average person seeks out almost subliminally where the need for entertainment and escape or distraction is obvious even to the viewer them self (Fischoff n.d.). People watching Greys Anatomy do so for the vicarious emotional rush they get from see their favorite characters lives unfold. In one episode there was a man in the hospital shooting people at random all in the hopes of getting to and killing the three doctors he blamed for his wifes death. There was a sense of suspense and terror as the audience realizes who was getting shot and who the shooter was actually going for. This suspense keeps the viewers watching the show with undivided attention which is what Potter (2008) calls behavioral attraction. People watching Serendipity are not going for the dramatic emotional rush but a romantic emotional rush. These people are looking for a short term escape into a world where fate and destiny explain why things happen the way that they do. Emotions are an integral part of a persons appreciation for television and movies. We experience emotions vicariously through the programs we choose to watch. What a person feels while watching or listening to a television show or a movie is essential to the whole psychological experience. There are two main physiological components that effect emotion: the physiological and the cognitive (Harris 2009). We physiologically experience emotions via increased heart rates, facial expressions like smiling, or other physical reactions like tears. The key is to link these physical reactions with a specific feeling using cognitive appraisal. While watching that specific episode of Greys Anatomy, a person home alone may physically start crying when a well known character is shot, their pulse may increase as the suspense builds, they might even gasp, scream, or yell at the TV when someone is actually shot. A person observing a viewer can see what the viewer is watching observe that the viewer is not smiling and not sneezing. These are the cognitive clues an observer uses to know if the tears being observed are those of sadness rather than happiness or possibly allergies. While watching Serendipity in a movie theater surrounded by other people viewers are more likely to hold their emotions in only showing an occasional smile or becoming misty-eyed when Jonathan and Sara find each other at the end. An observer here would have a harder time making cognitive connections between physiological representations and the feelings expressed because the expressions are being suppressed out of concern for how other people will think. It is important to remember when going to see a movie in a movie theater a persons sensory experiences are heightened because the situation is new or special and so your body tries to take in and remember as much as it can (Forrester 2000). In the physical context of being at home alone while watching a TV show, however, people are more comfortable and familiar with their surroundings this takes away from the need for heightened senses because there is no one else to relate to or unfamiliar smells to take in and the feel of the furniture is well known (Forrester 2000). Cinematographic techniques such as the choice of shot, and camera movement, can greatly influence the structure and meaning of a film or television show. Greys Anatomy uses a wide variety of different shots and camera movement to portray different things. For example when the shooter was going by a room with people in it you can see it from their terrified point of view of peaking through the blinds. Another example would be seeing an overview shot of an entire scene where people are scrambling everywhere and the shooter isnt in focus, but the chaos that he created by shooting into the crowd is. Serendipity uses the basic popular shots of those who are talking and specific points of importance like when Sara finds the five dollar bill or when Jonathan is given the book with Saras information in it as a traditional grooms gift. Music is used in many ways in both the movie and the television series. There is sad music to queue sad feelings and upbeat music to trigger happy moods (Potter 2008). Music is used to build-up and round off various scenes by using dramatic flaring of the music and an increase volume and complexity of the music fading into a softer simpler version of the same continual piece (Fischoff 2005). These musical techniques are used to suck the audience into the world of the movie and to help focus attention on specific emotions at certain times. Greys Anatomy goes one step beyond the traditional music queues that Serendipity exhibits by having absolute silence at the moment of tragic climax. There was silence when Meredith looked out into the hall way after removing a bomb from some guys chest only to see the man who had taken the bomb from her explode with half the already evacuated surgical floor. There was also complete silence when Derek was shot by the shooter roaming the hospital. Thi s silence from music is more dramatic then the build up of music traditionally used because it is unfamiliar in this series not to have music or noise in the background and complete silence is an enormous difference. An editor uses timing and sequencing to create the spacing of events through time and develop the direction of how the movie or television show will unfold (Chandler, 1994) (Bordwell, Thompson 1993). Heim, et. al. (2004) explains how editors are the secret weapons behind the psychological believability and emotional connection the audience will have with the movie or television show. The editing for a movie is different that that for a television series. With a movie like Serendipity there is only one shot to captivate the audience and there is only an hour and a half to tell the whole story. This is why movies follow one central story and sequencing like two people have totally separate lives who meet once, and then find each other again when their lives are more compatible. There are also key timing points in the movie where Jonathan and Sara just miss running into each other or are show in the same place but a different times creating a sense destiny is aware of their connection and that they will meet again when the time is right. With a television series like Greys Anatomy, however, there are multiple chances to get a persons interest and for this television series there are about twenty hours worth of show time over the already aired six seasons. This gives the editor more time to create and focus on the bonding of the viewers with multiple main characters and various plot lines. Putting together the right sequence of shots with proper timing is very important to keep a seamless transition from one characters story to the next and make all these individual stories a whole. Agenda setting, priming, and framing theories all appear to work subconsciously and have long lasting effects (Bargh, Chen, Burrows 1996), because of these effects these theories leave people susceptible to being misled. Agenda Setting is used to manipulate the amount of coverage a topic will get, what information is given on the topic, and the manner in which the information is given (McCombs, and Shaw 1972). Agenda setting is a cognitive effect used to point the audience in the direction of what the creators think is important (Potter 2008). Priming is when a person is shown something that prepares them for the future of the show or movie (Tulving, Schacter, Stark 1982). Framing is how people file and build on what they know from experience to (Plous, 1993). Agenda setting, priming, and framing are both general and episode focused. In general the agenda of the Greys Anatomy is to show the work and private lives of a group of interns, residents, and mentoring doctors and that is the focus of the series. Each show also has its own agenda like abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, various religious conflicts, death of loved ones, mistakes that as doctors have cause a patient to die, and many more. At the beginning of every episode there is prologue in an audio format spoken over a montage of scenes that prepares the audience for what is going to happen in that specific episode. There is also an epilog at the end of each episode that is a continuation of the prolog, in that it summarizes the theme of the episode and gives the viewers closure. The series its self can alter how people think about emergency room doctors and what they have gone through to get there. Each specific episode has an opportunity to change how a person feels about t he specific agenda presented. The agenda in Serendipity is that of destiny and romance and the whole movie is focused on it. The whole first ten minutes of the movie prime the audience for what is coming throughout the rest of the movie. The audience knows that there will be a search to find each other using the book and the five dollar bill and that the pair of gloves will eventually be brought back together. When all of Jonathan and Saras best efforts to find each other are thwarted and they finally give up looking for each other, the book is given to Jonathan as a grooms gift and the five dollar bill is given as change for movie head phones in front of Sara on the plane home to England. This may change a persons framework to believe that destiny does exist and that what is meant to happen will happen when it is supposed to happen. Normative Focus Theory (Baron, Branscombe, Byrne 2009) explains why people only change according normal influences on their behavior when they can see it has relevance to their own lives. This theory can explain, for example, why an individual who is having a hard time finding love would watch Serendipity and choose to alter their framework to believe that destiny will help them find the right person. Propaganda is the manipulation of ideas, images, and symbols to persuade a large group of people to think a certain way. Propaganda can be defined in a variety of ways, according to an individuals ideology and perception of the world. Change a persons framework. Greys Anatomy persuades people to think about emergency room doctors and what their lives are like at work and in private. Serendipity tries to persuade people to believe in destiny and fate. The one thing that both this movie and this television series have in common is the focus on how incredibly important good friends are. They focus on friends who will go through anything and everything with each other and still be there for each other no matter how foolish one of them may act, Serendipity, or how much one might try to push the other away, Greys Anatomy. The amount of covert, or hidden, advertising versus overt, or obvious, advertising is very different between movies and television series. When people see a product that they use and automatically feel happy it creates a reinforced relationship with the product. This is what Potter (2008) calls an immediate reinforcement effect and is often connected with overt advertising. Activation is a behavioral effect from covert advertising (Potter 2008). Television shows are able to have more covert advertising because they are designed to have periodic breaks that for overt advertising called commercials. Movies dont have that opportunity so there is a greater need to include advertising in the actual movie itself. For example Greys Anatomy has a few covert advertisements like the use of Bic pens, Fuji water, and Motorola and Blackberry cell phones. Most of its covert advertising, however, comes from an unlikely place. The songs sung by various famous artists have been used in the series to express various emotions and the sales of these songs have increased greatly after they aired on the series (Rhimes 2005). In Serendipity there are overt advertisements for Prada, the Waldorf Astoria, Serendipity 3, Bloomingdales, and Certs along with covert advertising for Coke, Love in the time of Cholera, Snickers, the movies Cool Hand Luke, the New York Times, and Hermes ties. Positive portrayals of a relatable cultural group can make an individual feel better and not alone. Negative portrayals of a cultural group that an individual can relate to is likely to anger that person and not only cause them not to watch the television show but they may even convince other individuals not to watch also. There are so many different cultural groups that individuals can relate to in Greys Anatomy that it would be hard to list them all. There are characters who are Korean, African American, Caucasian, Irish, Jewish, Christian, married, single, heterosexual, homosexual, powerful men, powerful women, underdog men, and underdog women from various social classes. These are only some of the groups that the regular cast of characters can appeal to. There are additional groups that are portrayed by in specific episodes that open up the world of cultural diversity even further. This was actually a goal of Rhimes (2005) while creating the show. She wanted the show to be as div erse as possible. Serendipity, however, is much simpler. It is basically focused and relatable to Caucasian middle-class. The key psychological effects that celebrities have they can get individuals to watch a movie or television show just by being in it. Because of a celebritys symbolic social influence people will follow their favorite celebrities careers, watching movies and television shows they may not have watched otherwise (Baron, Branscombe, Byrne 2009). However, if celebrity watching turns into an intense personal obsession or pathological fantasy then it becomes unhealthy and dangerous (Maltby et. al. 2006). Examples of this are usually reported as celebrity stalking. This is not a regular occurrence but can happen when a person gets what Maltby et. al. (2006) calls celebrity worship syndrome, aka CWS. Movies usually profit from having already known celebrities in the cast. As far as celebrities go Serendipity may have benefited from followers of Jon Cusack, Kate Beckinsale, John Corbett, and Eugene Levy. Television series like Greys Anatomy can benefit from starting with some well known actors and if the series is popular it may then turn other actors into celebrities. In the beginning viewers may have recognized Patrick Dempsy, Sandra Oh , and Katherine Heigl from their work outside the series. Now because of the series people would recognize Ellen Pompeo, Justin Chambers, Chandra Wilson, T.R. Night and many others if they were to work outside the series. Showing how a television series not only uses existing celebrities but creates them as well. Harris (2009) explains how professions presented in a positive manner greatly increase the number of people entering that field. The scary thing is that according to Potter (2008) 12.1% of professionals on television are represented as medical workers where only .9% of people are in the medical profession in real life. If you think about it, we show a higher number of doctors making fewer mistakes and giving more individualized attention in Greys Anatomy than there are in real life. If people arent careful and thinking critically they may expect these sorts of unrealistic actions in real life. In the movie Serendipity various professions are portrayed but they are really not take seriously or focused on; they are sort of poked fun at and used to create ironic twists. There is an infuriating rule following sales clerk, a obituary writer for the New York Times, an indifferent sports caster, a holistic store owner who doesnt believe in the product she sells, a psychologist who doesnt be lieve her own advice about there not being soul mates, and a goofy self-absorbed musician. If an individual were to watch this movie and focus on how the various professions are shown there could be some negative reactions, however since they are used as character enhancements and not focused on as professions it had the desired mood lightening effect movies viewers need to connect with the characters personalities. The amount of time a person spends with a specific show or type of movie is usually because of affection for its characters. The more exposure an individual has the greater an influence the exposure has on what is applied to our everyday lives. Characters can become familiar providing comfort and interesting plots provide a means of escape (Rutlege 2009). This can be healthy and relaxing as long as there is no blurring of the line between fantasy and reality (Potter 2008). With critical thinking applied to realize the dramatic license that the creators of the movies and television shows, a person can discern between unrealistic aspects and aspects of the shows or movies that may contain a gem of truth or a valuable lesson. Watching movies like Serendipity on a regular basis can cause people to have unrealistic expectations of their current or future relationships. They want the romantic emotional rush the feel from the movie in real life, which is not realistic.